Although exact statistics may vary, the UAE has experienced a relatively high prevalence of smoking compared to many developed countries, with around 24% of adults in the UAE estimated to be smokers.
Awareness Campaigns: The UAE government has launched awareness campaigns on the health risks associated with smoking. These campaigns are carried out through various media, such as television advertisements, radio, billboards and social media, with the aim of educating the public about the dangers of smoking and encouraging people to quit smoking.
As awareness of the risks of smoking increases, there is an increase in the popularity of alternatives to traditional tobacco, such as e-cigarettes and tobacco heating devices. However, the UAE government is closely monitoring these trends and taking measures to regulate these products and protect public health.
Smoking is a leading cause of chronic diseases and premature deaths in the UAE. Smokers are at increased risk of developing cardiovascular disease, lung cancer, respiratory diseases, and other serious health problems. Fighting smoking is a priority for the UAE health system.
In summary, although the UAE has implemented significant measures to address smoking and protect public health, the challenge remains and requires continued education, awareness and support to reduce the prevalence of smoking in the country.

22 - 23 - 24 NOV. 2024

ADNEC (Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre)
Al Khaleej Al Arabi St – Al Rawdah – Al Ma’arid Abu Dhabi
United Arabe Emirates
¿What are the open dates and times?
The Vapexpro runs for 2024 in 5 countries, Paraguay 24-25 Feb. 2024, Czech 26-27 Apr. 2024, Poland 31 Aug. 01 Sep. 2024, Greece 26-27 Oct. 2024, UAE 22-23-24 Nov. 2024.
Main doors open at 10am. Closing times are 7pm Friday, 7pm Saturday and 6pm Sunday. Please be aware that the first 3 hours every day is only open to B2B and VIP ticket holders.
¿What is the minimum age to enter 'Vapexpro'?
All visitors must be over 18. We operate challenge 21 so if you look young please ensure you bring ID as you may be asked to provide proof of age before entry.
¿How much do tickets cost and can I buy them on the day?
At Vapexpro there was no ticket, nor will there be a ticket for your entrance to it. We appreciate your interest but also your time.
¿What Companies are exhibiting?
We have many of the world’s leading brands exhibit with us. More information can be found on our Exhibitor List page. The list is updated daily so please keep checking back for up to date details.
¿Can I vape at the show?
You depended on the country where the show is organized, and the laws that apply to each of them. Usually, in the venue of the show, vaping is allowed without this becoming disturbing and we create a problem for other attendees or exhibitors. We kindly ask you to work with us on this so that we can vape in all our shows.
¿Are animals welcome at the show?
Unfortunately only assistance dogs are welcome at the show 😔. All other pets such as cats, dogs, hamsters, budgies, parrots, guinea pigs etc need to be left at home with a responsible adult.
¿What is your Covid policy?
We are working within the guidelines set out by the Government and our venue in each country. As Covid policies are constantly changing its best to check our posts on social media or in our blog page for updated information before your travel.